Is there a way to make house cleaning fun?

Sep 30, 2017


When it comes to house cleaning, many of us perceive it as a daunting and tedious task. However, at Real G Tints, we believe that cleaning can be an enjoyable experience! In this article, we will share our expert tips and tricks to make house cleaning a fun and rewarding activity.

The Power of Music

One of the easiest ways to make cleaning more enjoyable is by turning up the music! Create a cleaning playlist with your favorite songs that energize and motivate you. Listening to music not only adds rhythm to your cleaning routine but also makes it more fun and entertaining. So put on your favorite tunes and let the beats guide you through each cleaning task!

Turn Cleaning into a Workout

Cleaning doesn't have to be just about wiping surfaces and vacuuming floors. You can turn it into a workout session! Incorporate some physical activities while cleaning, such as lunges while sweeping or squats while organizing shelves. Not only will you get a cleaner home, but you'll also get a physical workout, which releases endorphins and boosts your mood.

Invite a Cleaning Buddy

Cleaning alone can be boring, but it becomes much more enjoyable when you have a cleaning buddy. Invite a friend or family member to help you with the cleaning tasks. Split the responsibilities and make it a collaborative effort. You can even turn it into a competition to see who finishes their tasks first. Having someone to talk to and share the workload with makes cleaning feel less like a chore and more like a social activity.

Reward Yourself

Don't forget to reward yourself for a job well done! Set milestones during your cleaning session and treat yourself after completing each one. It could be something as simple as enjoying a delicious snack or taking a short break to do something you love. By associating rewards with cleaning, you'll create positive reinforcement and make the process more enjoyable.

Get Creative with Cleaning Gadgets

There's a wide range of innovative cleaning gadgets available in the market today. Invest in some fun and useful gadgets that will make your cleaning tasks easier and more enjoyable. From robot vacuum cleaners to magnetic dusters, these gadgets can add an element of excitement to your cleaning routine. Explore the options and find gadgets that suit your preferences.

Create a Cleaning Schedule

By creating a cleaning schedule, you can break down the tasks into manageable chunks and spread them out over a period of time. This way, you won't feel overwhelmed by the amount of cleaning to be done. Stick to the schedule and celebrate each completed task. The sense of achievement and progress will make the cleaning process feel more rewarding and less monotonous.

Discover New Cleaning Techniques

Cleaning doesn't have to be a repetitive process. Challenge yourself to learn new cleaning techniques and methods. There are countless online resources, blogs, and videos available that provide valuable cleaning tips and tricks. Implementing these techniques not only improves your cleaning efficiency but also adds a sense of novelty to the experience.

Transform Cleaning into a Zen Practice

Cleaning can be an opportunity for mindfulness and relaxation. Approach it as a form of meditation and focus on the present moment. Pay attention to the sensations, smells, and sounds as you clean each area. Turn off distractions such as phones or TVs and immerse yourself fully in the cleaning process. By adopting a zen-like mindset, you can turn cleaning into a calming and therapeutic activity.


With these tips and tricks, you can transform house cleaning from a dreaded chore into a fun and enjoyable experience. Real G Tints believes that making cleaning enjoyable not only improves your living space but also enhances your overall well-being. So put on your favorite music, invite a cleaning buddy, and embrace the cleaning journey with a positive and enthusiastic mindset!

Chris Gerace
I never realized cleaning could be made enjoyable. These are some great ideas!
May 11, 2023
Lupe Leal
I'll definitely try out these tips. Anything to make cleaning more enjoyable!
Feb 27, 2023
Alan Ruppert
I love the concept of making cleaning fun. It's all about perspective, right?
Jul 5, 2021
Art Pena
Great tips! I never thought I could actually enjoy cleaning my house.
Sep 16, 2020
Peggy Remsen
Engaging article with practical suggestions. Looking forward to trying them out.
Apr 28, 2020
Carl Howe
I agree, adding an element of fun to cleaning can make a big difference.
Mar 26, 2020
Patrick Ryan
These tips are a breath of fresh air for anyone tired of the usual cleaning routine.
Dec 17, 2019
Robert Gayle
This article has some refreshing ideas about house cleaning. Thanks for sharing!
May 20, 2019
Amber Eckard
I appreciate the upbeat approach to house cleaning. It's inspiring!
May 5, 2019
Phill Browne
Cleaning can be a bore, but these ideas can help make it more enjoyable.
Dec 22, 2017